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Honduras’ Connection to the Cigar World

We’d like to open this year’s edition with a brief look at Honduras’ connection to the cigar world. We are proud to stamp our cigar boxes with “Hecho totalmente a mano en Honduras.

The Mayas

A cigar is much more than just tobacco leaves randomly rolled together. It is the essence of the people that rise with the sun, soulfully harvesting this ancestral crop. A sacred plant that Mayan sovereigns used for evoking their gods and establishing a privilege connection.

Santa Rosa de Copán

In 1766, the "Royal House of Tobacco," was established in Santa Rosa de Copán under the Royal Crown of Spain, an entity responsible for buying the product that was to be transported to the Iberian Peninsula. This office dedicated to fixing prices, distributing and commercializing tobacco products and seeds. From then on, Honduran tobacco's reputation extends from the country’s borders all the way to the Old Continent, serving as a link between two worlds.

Intangible Cultural Heritage

In 2016 the Honduran National Congress declared the know-how of making a hand-made cigar - made of tobacco leaf - as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic taking into account the role that this industry plays in strengthening the identity of the Honduran exports given their quality, excellence, and origin; and taking into account their contribution to social and economic development.

5-Stars Export

There are currently 7,800 acres used for the cultivation of tobacco which produce close to 100 million cigars that are mainly exported to the United States, Europe and Asia. Beyond their quality, Honduran cigars represent a noble past and a present marked by the expertise and creativity of those who lead their production; men and women, manufacturers and artisans, who work in the crafting of a world class product.


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